Web application development
Bamboo is strong, flexible and fast growing. Bamboo Data supports the content and communication needs of growing businesses like yours.
Supporting you as you grow
We design and build bespoke solutions based on the eZ Platform / eZ Publish web content management system and the powerful Symfony web application framework.
Supporting your internet presence
We provide:
up to date, mobile, responsive website solutions
technical support for businesses and charities that use the eZ Platform / eZ Publish content management system (CMS)
website hosting services for businesses and charities that use the eZ Platform / eZ Publish CMS
domain name registration services for small businesses, charities and local government
A framework for your growth
With over 8 years' experience developing solutions to your information needs, we are experts in eZ Platform, an enterprise-class CMS, and the Symfony application framework. We work with business owners, marketers, editors, SEO experts and others to bring websites to life, mainly by creating and managing content and interactions with end-users.